Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Viewing can often raise questions. This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section has you covered and is your compass through this web site.
If the last name isn't Dearbeck then they won't be listed on this web site. Spouses and children of Dearbeck family members (one level deep) will be listed but that's as far as it goes. This is not meant to be a complete family tree resource.
We have an extensive family tree on containing almost 1000 Dearbeck relatives and 1000 photos, documents, and articles. We also have a Diffenderfer family tree with almost 200 people listed. We're not trying to duplicate all the work and research that went into building the family trees. For access to the Dearbeck, Diffenderfer family trees you'll need to join
We make mistakes and appreciate getting correct information. If you are sure something is wrong please let us know using the contact form. We've tried to verify everything through official documents and reliable sources. Sometimes information might appear wrong but isn't, it might be dates or incorrect spelling of names on headstones. An example of that is a generation ago an aunt died at birth. Her first name is spelled wrong on the headstone and they left it that way. Families didn't have the money to just have another one made. Also if you look at the "other missing Dearbeck's page" you'll see variations in the spelling of our last name.
That won't be a problem. I've tried to keep living people private but that's not always easy. Public obituaries and articles sometimes name people but since they are public I added them. I can understand in some cases why someone wouldn't want that information published. Just let me know through the contact form and I'll gladly delete it.
Almost all the photos and information I have came from Marie's (d. 1989) collection, that's why there are so many of her and her husband Charles. I would love to have many more photos of other people. If you would like to share them I'd be more than happy to add them.